Home Page

Written By: brian Rodgers

Welcome to Mills River Publishing

Have you got a manuscript ready for print?  Are you looking for a publisher?  Have you searched out and submitted your manuscript to dozens of publishing companies only to be turned away, time and time again?  If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, then you have come to the right place.

Mills River Publishing mission is to discover and market unknown authors.  We are not a self-publisher in our approach, operation, or philosophy in any way. We receive hundreds of submissions and author inquiries each year, but we choose to accept only a small percentage of the authors who submit manuscripts to us.  We will look at your work and respond within weeks with our observations.

As your partner, what you can expect from us:

  • Professional proofreading
  • Content and copy editing
  • Book layout
  • Jacket design
  • Print Coordination
  • Rights management
  • E-Book publishing and digital rights management
  • Indexing
  • Distribution coordination
  • Publicity generation, press release writing and media contacts
As our partner, we can expect from you:
  • Book Signings
  • Appearances
  • Social Media to develop following (If you don’t have one now, you should)
We are looking for titles with bestselling potential.   We move fast and get results. We are looking forward to an opportunity to partner with you.  If you are interested, you can submit to us by clicking here.

Thanks for visiting.