
Written By: brian Rodgers
Currently we are accepting submissions for only fiction books.  If you are a new author and without an agent, we really encourage you to submit a query to us. It never ceases to amaze us the talent that is passed over by the large publishing houses.

Please send us a query letter of no more than two pages, which includes your credentials, an explanation of what makes your book unique and special, and a synopsis. Also, please include the first three chapters along with a self addressed stamped envelope for our reply, which generally takes two to four weeks.

We receive many submissions a month, all of which receive careful consideration. This takes time, so we encourage your patience. If we request your manuscript, we prefer that you send it to us on an exclusive basis. We don’t do author advances. We get paid, you get paid. Partners.

All queries may be addressed to:

Mills River Publishing Company
P.O. Box 411
Rushville, In  46173